Changes v20.24
— Mod changes —
First test of wind rushing sound when windows are opened at high speeds.

— SCS Software changes —
windows noise update
support for music road
traffic train sounds
updated gates bank (garage doors)
PT579 repaired big ID 0114096
fixed prefab sound metal_wc_1
aero noise – changed start noise -open windows- upto 60kmh (old value was 30kmh)
aero noise – changed start noise -open windows- upto 45kmh (old value was 30kmh)
volume up for gate and for planes etc
Lonestar – fine setup of Hz and crossfades points
KW W900 repaired envelopes of volume (loaded vs unloaded)
trucks change volume level od UNLOADED layer (engine load 0 = -8dB actually and old value was engine load 0= 0dB)
KW W900 repaired envelopes of volume (loaded vs unloaded)
sound for the ats_logo scene
avoiding duplication of blinker sounds
retarder sound settings
sound of police horn
fix – voice navigation reports (qa 0114306)
limit bus volume to never mute
improved ai sounds – trams

* SCS Software for base sounds
* Drive Safely for sound edits, some sound samples, and for compiling mod
* kriechbaum for light switch sound

DOWNLOAD Sound_Fixes_Pack_v20.25_-_Extract_this.7z – 38.8 MB

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